Double Your Donation?

Thank you for helping Sophie by lightening the financial
load that her family have had to bear on their own.

Your contribution makes it possible for Sophie’s parents to stay by her side and give her the care that she needs, as well as fund the treatments not covered by insurance.

However, Sophie’s need is so great that we need to ask: Can you find it in your heart (and budget) to double your contribution today?

If you can give more, then we will give you more right back!

In addition to the already massive bargain you are already receiving for your donation, you will also get:

  • Daven Michael’s “New Wealth and Freedom Lifestyle System”

    This is a massive deal – if you purchased this through their website you would be paying 4 figures!

  • Andy Hussong’s “JV Attraction Formula”

    This in-depth course is currently not available to the public, but it is yours if you increase your donation today!

  • 2 One Hour Live Training Sessions: – One with Brian Bagnall

    This is one of the “go-to” guys on Facebook advertising. Take your Facebook advertising to the next level! Brian has also made it his mission to help you get “unstuck” and moving forward with your Internet business.

  • ..and – One with Underground Internet Marketer Peter Parks

    This is a man that Internet guru’s follow! What would you pay to learn from a man that earns over $3,000 a day online? (I’ll be tuning into this training session myself)

The generous contributions that these marketers have made available for this upgrade are well worth… well… a price that would frighten you! But to help Sophie, we are making this a ridiculously affordable extra $99 — A simple doubling of your current contribution.

So… what would you like to do?

[oneclick_upsell_yes product_id=2 master_product_id=1] [/oneclick_upsell_yes]

No thanks, I don’t want the $1,500 in added value & live coaching — I’ve already given all I can to help Sophie.